
Threshold Choir

The Threshold Choir honours the ancient tradition of singing at life’s thresholds. Upon invitation, the choir sings with compassionate voices at the bedsides of those seriously ill or dying. Gentle songs from a variety of traditions soothe, comfort, uplift and bring peace.

Pre-planning forms

Everyone dies – expected or not. When we prepare for our own death in advance, we are able to relieve the decision-making burden on those around us. It can be extremely helpful to have a set of pre-planning forms completed in advance.

End-of-Life Doula

A generation ago baby boomers made home births more acceptable. They did this because it felt like a more natural way to deal with a significant life event. Now there is another grassroots movement and that is to bring end-of-life and after-death care, back home. A cultural reclamation of community deathcare.